
Hong Kong Paralympian wants to share passion for sports
December 06, 2016
Having placed fifth at the Rio Paralympics, Ho Yuen-kei, the city’s top boccia player, believes her best days are still ahead of her. Born with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a condition similar to that of renown scientist Stephen Hawking, Ho is paralysed from her waist down. But the 23-year-old athlete has never lost her passion for boccia, a sport in which players compete to roll leather balls as close as possible to a white objective ball......

China Studies student Ho Yuen-kei named top 10 Regeneration Warrior
October 06, 2016
Ho Yuen-kei, a Year 3 student of China Studies majoring in Sociology, was recently selected by the Regeneration Society as one of the Regeneration Warriors 2015-2016 for her unswerving positive attitude and determination to live a full life in spite of her severe illness. Her inspiring story has raised public concern and support towards people with chronic diseases or disabilities.....

April 17, 2016
香港2016年4月18日電 /美通社/ -- 香港挪亞方舟一向積極宣揚愛與和諧,關懷弱勢社群及基層人士,致力成為回饋社會的平台,並時刻邀請弱勢社群參加各種多元化的活動,擴闊知識領域及生活體驗,希望將快樂帶到各家各戶。為鼓勵社會大眾建立正面價值觀,促進各界互愛共融,燃點正能量,今年,新鴻基地產將於香港挪亞方舟推出為期一年的「開心正能量.由馬灣啟航」大型公益運動,透過舉辦近200項融合生命教育、藝術、歷史文化、導賞及歷奇等形式的體驗活動,以趣味與意義並重的方式,讓香港社會跨界別、階層、種族的人士一同以多角度欣賞香港的優點,為社會注入正能量。......